Sunday, April 27, 2014

Trust Yourself and Follow Your Path


Did you ever have a moment when you needed to make a decision on your own? The moment when there is no time to phone a friend, take a day or two to contemplate, or research just a few more things. The only person to rely on is you. You must trust yourself.

Life is filled with obstacles, unplanned destinations, and painful moments that sometimes have no explanation for their existence. What makes a person continue to strive forward? How do we convince our self that better things are coming our way? How do we know which path is the right path?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, 'Self trust is the first secret of success'. Maybe, when we begin to trust our own judgement, we cannot make the wrong decision. Maybe, every decision is the right one for our unique path.

What decision was the starting point for your unique path?

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