Sunday, March 3, 2013

Was Life Better In The 80's To Be A Kid?

     In my soon to be released novel, "Grandpa's Grapevine', the main character is Elizabeth Manciano. Elizabeth is a child of the 80's and, while facing the challenge to write Grandpa Frank's eulogy, often reflects on her childhood. My research to complete the novel (and some personal experiences) has me wondering- was life better in the 80's to be a kid?
    Audiences applauded when the boy's bikes rose in the air to save E.T. from the bad guys, children and adults were baffled by the rubrik cube and everyone watched the Cosby Show on Thursday night...or taped it with this new gadget called a VCR. Walkmans only played cassettes, but these things called CDs made their appearance- in 1982 no household had one, but by 1989, 150 million CDs were sold! In sports, a bunch of amateur hockey players kicked some Soviet butt and ladies were finally allowed to run the 26.2 marathon- before this, it was believed the distance would be harmful to women.
   Let's not forget Michael Jackson, the Boss and Billy Joel...the Rat Pack... the Big Chill...When Harry Met Sally...and most importantly- during the 80's- Saturday Night Live was really funny!  Brad Pitt was guest starring on Growing Pains, Drew Barrymore was in rehab and no one thought Rob Lowe could rebound his career. Last, but not least, is there anyone out there who doesn't walk onto a cruise ship without looking for Julie McCoy or Captain Steubing? 
   What do you think?                                                        

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