Thursday, June 27, 2013

Qualities of a Trustworthy Person

    In the latest edition of Reader's Digest (June 2013), people were surveyed to find the most trustworthy people and professions. They defined a trustworthy person as somebody possessing the following:
                          1.  Integrity
                          2.  Character
                          3.  Exceptional talent and drive for personal excellence
                          4.  Strong internal moral compass
                          5.  Consistent message
                          6.  Honesty
                          7.  Leadership

     The ten most trusted professions were as follows:
                          1. Doctors
                          2. Teachers/Educators
                          3. Movie stars
                          4. Philanthropists
                          5. Spiritual leaders
                          6. Journalists
                          7. Filmmakers
                          8. Talk show hosts
                          9. Judges
                         10. Professional sports stars
                         11. Business leaders
                         12. Financial experts
                         13. National political leaders
                         14. Political pundits
                         15. Influencers

     I find that about half of these professions don't match the definition used to define a trustworthy person. Are people confusing what they want to believe with reality? I also checked this list twice and noticed a very important profession was missing- parent. I believe the qualities of a trustworthy person are everything we want embedded in our children. How do we make that happen? By example of course.

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