I loved being a kid! Now, being around a lot of kids everyday, is just as fun. Today, I like to hear from kids those things that remind me of my childhood. My favorite- the do-over! There is nothing better than getting the chance to do something over. Just one more chance and you know you can get it, or do it better!
As a child, the do-over is reserved for the important things in life: kickball games, bike wheelies, or who can eat a Three Musketeer the fastest. As an adult, you don't hear many bosses giving a do-over. I'm not sure why people expect perfection when we reach adulthood. I like to believe we are all life-long learners. This is probably why I like writing so much. It is no big deal to do it over.
And so, 'Grandpa's Grapevine' has been given a do-over. No worries to anyone who has read the self-published version a few years ago. Grandpa Frank and Elizabeth will still be there! The plot has remained the same, it has just been revised/edited a bit :-) When it is published, you will also notice the title has changed. Presently, it is to be called 'Legacy of Grandpa's Grapevine'. It is Book One of 'The Manciano Family Saga'.
This new direction will allow me to continue writing a few books about the Manciano family. I am presently working on Book Two, 'Mama's Bookends'. This story will combine with another story I was outlining- 'Walking With Angels'. I know you will enjoy the adventures Elizabeth has in Book Two and fall in love with some new characters too!
I will keep you posted on my Facebook and my blog as to when 'Legacy of Grandpa's Grapevine' will be ready for purchase, and any bumps in the road during the process. I look forward to the coming months and will always be very thankful I was given a do-over!
The following is a review from the first edition of 'Grandpa's Grapevine'. Anne is a former colleague and , forever, a great friend. "The first edition of 'Grandpa's Grapevine' allowed me to follow the lives of two strong-willed characters and engage me in their journey. Since reading the book I have often thought of Elizabeth and wondered where her travels would lead. I look forward to reading the new edition." Anne