Sunday, December 15, 2013

Book Review: 'The Rancher's Second Chance' by Davalynn Spencer

     On a snowy New England weekend, I had a strange experience. My house was clean, the dog was sleeping and I had completed my writing tasks by early Saturday afternoon. I said to myself, 'Now what do I do?'  Hmmm... read a book!

    After spending the past few months using Facebook to help build my platform and researching what other authors do, I remembered a few author websites that really peeked my interest. One in particular was author Davalynn Spencer. As a New England girl who has traveled out west a few times, I fell in love with the area at first sight.  The west has great scenery, charming people and a value system that puts family & good friends above all else. Davalynn's country website and posts on Facebook caught my attention.

     I researched a few of her books and decided to download 'The Rancher's Second Chance'.  I made myself a cup of tea, plate of cookies and snuggled under one of my favorite blankets on the couch. As my dog, Maggie, found a comfortable spot beside me and the snow began to fall at a steady rate, I began to read the first chapter.  The story immediately makes you fall in love with Laura Bell. She not only is trying to start a new life on her own, but trying to do so while looking good among many embarrassing mishaps. We've all been there ladies!

     Davalynn Spencer has a unique way of sharing the male and female point of view & insecurities each sex has- and getting it right! I also loved the bit of knowledge gained about cattle ranching and living out west. Without giving away the ending, I want to know more about Eli and Laura Bell. So Davalynn, how about a sequel?


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such encouraging words, Linda. I've had a couple of people ask about a sequel but I contracted instead for three historical romances next year set in Colorado. However, your cozy set-up to read makes me want to push work aside and curl up on the sofa with a mug of coffee. I guess we all want to escape to another time and place, because New England is a place I'd love to see for myself - winter and fall.
