Summer time to most people means a slower pace, more time with family and enjoying the outdoors. The summer months provide an 'acceptable escape' from our fast pace lives. It allows us to create precious memories and reflect on our own childhood summers of not so long ago.When I think of my childhood summers, I remember katydids, shade pulls and Nancy Drew.
Katydids. I have heard many stories of how these insects got their name, but never investigated to find the correct answer. I don't want to know. I prefer to fondly recall the story my mother told me when I was eight or nine years old. Two insects were calling each other because they were in love. One would say 'katydid' and one would say 'katydidn't'. The katydids would keep talking until they found each other in the night.
Shade pulls. One may ask how this simple item could remind someone of summer. I recall watching the lace ringlets sway in the evening breeze at my grandparent's house. Since there was no air-conditioning, maybe its movement provided a needed, misconception of coolness. Its swaying lulled me to sleep. Such a small, 'unnecessary' item that makes a house a home. Isn't it those little things from our childhood that provide us comfort as adults? All my shades have shade pulls.
Nancy Drew. My mother introduced me to Nancy Drew when I was nine or ten years old. I think she was worried I didn't like to read, or do anything that felt like school work. I'm sure she finds those thoughts amusing now, since I am a reading teacher. Or, maybe I should thank Nancy Drew. Summers spent with Nancy- on my hammock, took me to places I never heard, and adventures I didn't think girls could have experienced. I spent many summer days helping her solve crimes; she never swore, used drugs, became violent, or waited for a man to save her- she should be every young girls hero.
I love my summertime childhood memories. I enjoy creating new one's, too. However, there is something that just makes me breathe a little slower, and smile a little longer, when I think of katydids, shade pulls and Nancy Drew.
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