Just one spoken word and Maggie would be at the door- eyes straight ahead, tail up and tongue panting with excitement. The word that could do all this? Walk.
Maggie enjoyed walking. Like most dogs, it meant discovering new smells, protecting familiar territory, and saying hello to friends. She never missed any of the action. Maggie walked with a purposeful stride and look of confidence.
As a people watcher, I have observed my fellow humans pace with anxiety, power walk with purpose, or linger with a look of bewilderment. I have watched people look straight ahead with an empty gaze, stare at the ground, or their eyes trapped in a technical gadget. Do they know how much they are missing?
Ever watch someone walking a dog? Their gait shows purpose, but also a willingness to change their direction. An awareness of their surroundings, and sense of living in the moment, can be observed. Interesting how these characteristics can describe someone with confidence and contentment.
Maybe we should all walk with dogs?
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