Ever notice the many different ways people accept a compliment? Some people blush, others deny the amount of hard work & time in their accomplishment, and some just say- 'oh, it was nothing.' It's okay to accept a compliment.
Maggie enjoyed being the center of attention. She loved when people admired her new haircut and called her 'pretty dog'. She wagged her tail with extra excitement when she discovered a treat secretly placed in a toy, or found a hidden ball in the yard. She jumped and twirled when she caught a fly in the house, and waited anxiously for praise & cuddles. Maggie was proud of herself when she accomplished something, and wasn't shy about showing it.
Every person should never feel uncomfortable about showing pride in their accomplishments. Our purpose in life is to make this world a better place. Our actions should always be positive & encourage others to bring out the best in them. When Maggie was excited, it excited others around her. This positive emotion brings positive energy.
Ever notice what a person with negative energy brings to a room? Ever ask yourself why someone can not be happy for others accomplishments? The answers are usually a result of a persons own insecurities and lack of confidence. One can not take pride in someone's success, unless they have experienced pride in their own success.
It's okay to be proud of yourself.
Even better to encourage the feeling of pride in others.
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