Saturday, January 25, 2014

Last House That Pa Built

What is so interesting about DeSmet, South Dakota? Why are you driving all the way out there? Don't you have anything better to do with your summer vacation?

These questions were asked many times over as I planned a road trip to DeSmet. I had planned the trip for months, but it really began when I was eight years old. In the 1970's, a television show called 'Little House on the Prairie' captured the hearts of many, including mine. It made me wonder about our country's history, the mid-west and the power of writing our thoughts on paper.

What if Laura Ingalls never wrote about her childhood? Would we cherish that time of our history? Would the last house that Pa built still be standing?

The house is standing...thousands visit every year....and the admiration for the Ingalls family continues.

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