Wednesday, February 5, 2014

What happened to quality commercials?

The recent Super Bowl had many anticipating the commercials more than the game. I, personally, wait until the next day to watch the news and see the top five. Yes, Super Bowl commercials actually make the news.

I tried to remember the top five commercials from the Super Bowl last year. I couldn't recall one. As I am writing this blog, I can recall two of the Super Bowl commercials from this year. However, I can sing the song from the Coca-Cola commercial from the 1970's, the McDonald's song, Toys 'R' Us, and Oscar Mayer. I can picture Michael Jackson singing for Pepsi and the Irish Spring soap man.

What happened to creating commercials that created a bond with people? Okay, maybe a touch over dramatic. May I just say, I am glad my generation has contributed a message of peace to all by sharing a Coke, listening to raisins singing about a grapevine, and enjoying a special sauce with a Pepsi & an Irish smile.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Linda, I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony! And who doesn't love a singing raisin!! As for the never commercials, I like the etrade baby :-)
