Sunday, March 9, 2014

It Only Takes One Book...

As a reading teacher and writer, I am often asked what my favorite book is.  The truth is, I don't have a favorite book. I think it's like asking a parent which child is their favorite. Each book I read provides me with the enjoyment, wisdom or humor needed at the time. However, I do have a book that I am certain provided me with the encouragement to start writing my own stories.

'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn', by Betty Smith, was the first book I recall reading and saying to myself 'I can write like that'. The story of Francie Nolan sharing her life struggles, loving & not always perfect family members, and showing it's okay for a girl to have a little spunk!  In my opinion, it represents the American Dream is available to anyone with a little tenacity. The symbolism of the tree standing strong and growing, when all surrounding circumstances predict it should not...that's my kind of story.

My soon to be published series of the Manciano family represents that same grit and determination for every generation to strive for that American dream. The loving words of wisdom from Grandpa Frank to his granddaughter Elizabeth guides her through life's obstacles even after his death. It's about family, faith and believing in yourself. Those who flourish are those who surround them self with positive light, passion and perseverance. 

'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn' is why I write today. What book has influenced you the most?

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