Tuesday, November 11, 2014

When It's Family... I Remember My Army Buddies

Most people know me as a teacher. Thanks to a book contract and social media, more people are getting to know me as a writer. But once, for a brief period in my life, I was a soldier.

It always brings a smile to my face when people say to me, 'I can't picture you in the Army'.  I suppose most people assume the military means fighting with weapons and lots of push-ups. I do remember the push-ups and training for a multitude of weapons. However, the most important thing I learned from my training was always leaving someone or something better than when you first arrived. The best way to accomplish this goal- be helpful, be consistent and be prepared.

This goal is easy to accomplish with friends or colleagues who have the same goal. Maybe that's why I remember my soldier days as a time when it was so much easier to get things done. Everyone had a buddy who had your back. You and your buddy were part of a platoon who all shared the same goal. The main reason for our high success rate?  If the job didn't get done, the result was loss of life or failure to move forward. We all depended on each other and civilians depended on us.

Always being together meant good times & great memories. I recall the Saturday afternoons sitting on the steps of the barracks for the mail to arrive; hoping for someone to get a box of cookies. Waiting in line for an hour to make a phone call home; while waiting, talking to fellow soldiers about what our moms might be cooking for dinner if we were home. Climbing down fire escapes after 'social time' to meet the guys for an illegal soda or candy bar.

We were young. We knew we would all go in different directions. For a moment, though, we were together. So, we enjoyed our time every day. Not knowing the future, but being prepared & ready made us feel safe. Some of us never had the chance to grow old. Some of us live with fond memories.

God Bless Those Who Served & Those Who Serve Today

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