Sunday, November 18, 2012


   What makes some people say they are going to write a novel and others actually do it? Resiliency. When faced with a blank piece of paper or computer screen, the task can seem overwhelming and next to impossible. Add to that, you may complete the all-time best written piece in the history of the publishing world (in your opinion) and still never see it published. There is also the task of convincing an agent to believe in your work, accept 'helpful critiques' from publishers as to why they don't like your work and always answering, with a smile, the redundant question from family & friends: Did you get that book published yet?
    'Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges' by Southwick & Charney state ten factors to 'bouncing back' effectively. They are optimism, flexibility, core value system, faith, positive role models, social support, physical fitness, cognitive strength, facing fears and finding meaning in struggles.  Always remember to remain optimistic...even after the 100th rejection letter. Pessimism is contagious, but remaining optimistic just may see your name in print!

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