Sunday, November 11, 2012

When Is It Good Enough?

     How do you know when it's time to click save and send your novel to your agent? If I had the answer, I would be a millionaire! I think every writer asks him/herself- Is this book good enough? Should I add one more flashback? Do I delete anything? Should I re-read it one more time?
     When you're writing a novel, the thoughts can flow so rapidly, it may be difficult to get them on paper fast enough...and you may be trying to just get everything written.  When it's time to edit- you, and those lucky people who get to read all your mistakes, may ask: Why did I ever include this event? It's okay to delete your work. The secret may be to not take ownership of every word. After all, it's the character's words, not yours. Ask yourself- Would the character really say this? Does it need to be said to help the reader visualize the moment or want to turn to the next page?
     Upon completing your novel, step away from it for a while. Maybe even try to forget about the characters you just spent months giving your weekends and early morning hours to developing. When some time has passed, read the book as if you just picked it up on a shelf in the library. As you read, take note of when you become lost in the book....and when you may want to skip a page or two from boredom. 
     It is hard to be your own critic, but be honest! If you can't- don't worry, the publisher always will!

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