Monday, August 18, 2014

Maggie's Thought for the Week: Eat Without Interruptions

Have you ever watched a dog eat? The focus on their bowl or bone equals the concentration of a rock climber on El Capitan in Yosemite.

Maggie loved me very much, but I know she loved her food more. Once, while enjoying a rib bone in the backyard, the smoke alarm started to beep. She looked up at me and then continued to tackle her bone. Neighbors or loved ones learned quickly, if you came during dinner time- you would not be greeted by Maggie; that is until after she finished eating.

Maybe we should heed the lesson. Why do we feel the need to always be doing something while we eat? Isn't 'just eating' good enough? At home, I find myself either reading the paper, watching television or reviewing tomorrow's assignments. And yes, if the phone rings, I will answer it. Restaurants have televisions, and most recently, video games for children to purchase- while parents check emails on their I-Phones.

Eating without it possible? Should we make it possible?

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