Monday, August 11, 2014

Maggie's Thought for the Week: No Place Like Home

The summer finds many packing for vacations and traveling to far away places. The days before departure are filled with anticipation and great expectations for discovering the unknown. For many, returning home can have a myriad of emotions. For me, going home always makes me smile.

I have seen almost every state in America. I agree with Mark Twain- traveling is the best cure for prejudice. Maggie joined me on most of my travels; all except two, to be exact. Once, I left her in the care of a professional. Another time, she stayed home and was spoiled by her 'grandparents'. Maggie preferred to stay home. She liked the knowing of her surroundings and the familiarity of her schedule.

I believe, to an extent, we all crave a measure of familiarity. The mug one always chooses for coffee before working on the great American novel, or the favorite hiking path to enjoy a sunset in the fall. If traveling brings a sense of euphoria, is it possible for 'going home' to arouse the same sensation?

'The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, love and understanding companionship.' Amelia Earhart

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